Senior Center
The East Toledo Senior Center (ETSC) was established to be the focal point within the neighborhood by providing a broad range of programs and services for Senior Citizens in the East Toledo area.
Mission Statement:
The East Toledo Senior Center provides quality programs and services to enhance the lives of individuals and families by meeting the emerging needs in our community. We will accomplish this by assisting seniors in maintaining independent lifestyles.
Welcome to the East Toledo Senior Center web site. For information about any
of our services please contact us at (419) 691-2254 or visit us on Facebook at ETSAC Toledo.
ETSC Programs
East Toledo Senior Center has great programs such as athletics, education, recreation,
clubs, transportation, chore and housecleaning, minor home repair, and more! Click here to learn more about the senior center’s services and programs.

Brenda Holdren, Director
Chelsea Hawkins, Administrative Assistance
Advisory Board Members
David Cutcher – President
Officer Tracey Britt
Maria Bradford
Mary Jo Halka
Officer James Below
Nancy Fulop
Ed Ferguson
Gail Broeker
Pastor Beth Giller
Mick Merz
Joy Gladieux
Judy Snyder
Lil Cousino
Jodi Gross
Mary Wolff
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Toledo, OH 43605